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Mind Node


Rating: ★★★★

Price: $9.99

Age Range: 12+ (mainly for adolescents and adults)

Classification: Planning, Organization, Task Management, Creativity


MindNode makes mind mapping easy. Mind maps are a visual representation of your ideas, starting with a central thought and growing from there. This allows you to brainstorm & organize your thoughts in an intuitive way, so you can focus on the idea behind it.

How to use it:

MindNode bills itself as an intuitive approach to brainstorming and organization. You can just jot down your ideas and the app will do the organizing for you, thus allowing you to focus on creating new ideas rather than getting bogged down in minute, mundane details. Because organization can be so difficult for those with ADHD, it often takes individuals with this condition longer to complete required tasks and leads many to avoid activities that require sustained mental effort or higher levels of organization. Thus, apps like MindNode can help organize thoughts or ideas into visual formats that are more engaging and require less effort than traditional list-making apps. Use this app to craft to-do lists, organize thoughts for school or work projects, or keep track of creative ideas that occur in the moment. In addition to organizing thoughts visually, allowing you to see the connections between different topics that you might otherwise miss, MindNode provides a way to keep track of tasks and can help individuals stay productive with reminders for deadlines.

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