Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder


It has become well understood that a mother's alcohol consumption during any stage of pregnancy can affect the child. However, new research in epigenetics suggests that the Father’s alcohol consumption can also have an effect on the child (Read More Here). The effects of alcohol on a child vary widely. These effects can be both mental and physical, and affect such areas as:

  • Learning, Attention, and Memory
  • Comprehension
  • Following Instructions
  • Communication
  • Socializing
  • Everyday Life Skills

There is no safe amount of alcohol that a woman can consume while pregnant without the risk of disrupting the development of her child. Women who drink more on a regular basis and participate in binge drinking have the greatest risk in causing severe developmental problems for their child as alcohol easily travels from the mother’s bloodstream to her developing child’s.

The best news about FASD is that it is 100% preventable. Thus, it is the leading preventable cause of birth defects.

My Child has Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, now what?

Some parents become discouraged and lose hope when they find out that their child symptoms of FASD. Our message is that there is hope! There are a number of interventions that can help your child meet their potential. Since there is such a wide range of abilities on the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum, it is best to get professional help to first identify your child’s deficits. Full Neuropsychological assessments can provide you and your child a roadmap and direction of where to turn and how to address deficits. Instead of wandering in the dark and trying desperately to discover your child’s abilities on your own, feel the support of caring professionals who can lighten the path and guide you to positive solutions.

For FASD interventions to help your child meet their potential our recent blog post!

Check out these other helpful resources

Center of Disease Control and Prevention

Medline Plus 

