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Ketamine treatment in Salt Lake city utah

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)
For the treatment of Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, OCD and Addiction

Ketamine therapy has shown to be a remarkable new tool for p\ patients facing very challenging mental health issues. Our clients regularly share their sentiments of relief at finally finding a treatment that works for them after so many years of failed therapies. We are especially happy to hear their success stories and examples of transformations after treatment. But Ketamine infusion therapy by itself has a drawback in the length of time the treatment is effective. It has a somewhat low efficacy rate unless combined with other lifestyle changes or therapeutic methods.

One of the best ways to increase the healing possibilities that Ketamine infusions can provide is to include it with traditional psychotherapy, talk therapy if you will, in order to assist the patient on several fronts. A therapist helps guide a patient through the process more directly. And provides a safety anchor for those who experience anxiety or negative feelings that can emerge during an infusion session. Especially as one begins to do the psychological work and delve deeper in order to uncover the core factors that contribute to one’s current state of health. Therapist as guide is a very important part of the healing process for patients suffering from depression and PTSD, in particular.

There is a reassuring sense that one can let go more easily, as well, if there is a guide to ensure our safety. It gives us permission to take more risks in what we allow ourselves to see and come to understand. During Ketamine assisted psychotherapy the patient will likely encounter imagery and sensations that do not make a world of sense at times. Including an interpreter in the process can be very helpful, and can lead to cathartic moments if one is able to see what our psyche is trying to show us more clearly. A therapist can help interpret some of those symbols with you and more fully explore their deeper meanings.

We have tried to have patients write down their experiences after an infusion treatment and, or simply, discuss with the therapist what they experienced. But many cannot find the words to recreate the imagery once they are out of a session. It seems to flow best, and provide more for the therapist to work with, when a patient can share their experiences in mid-session. Not having to rely on memory, but instead on metaphor.

These sessions can open a door to new insights and perspectives that one may not come to understand as quickly, or at all perhaps, if done alone. But during Ketamine assisted psychotherapy one can move further in-depth to better understand the factors at play. Or at the very least open new patterns of thought, given new perspectives, which can motive necessary lifestyle changes.

Ketamine assisted psychotherapy can provide tremendous healing potential for numerous ailments. Especially if one can couple it with guided meditation and set breating practices prior to beginning a treatment session. This practice improves the efficacy of the treatment by setting intention and creating a healing space in the mind made possible through the meditative arts. Together Ketamine assisted psychotherapy and meditation can lead to longer lasting effects of treatment for all patients.

Ketamine raises the unconscious into awareness. It allows us to find the patterns and process that are hidden from the conscious mind. It is extremely helpful for treatment resistant conditions such as Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, OCD, and Addiction.

  • KAP is a deep psychotherapeutic process.

  • KAP often produces rapid improvement.

  • KAP is compatible with most other psychiatric medicines.

  • Sessions are customized to the client. They may be 1 traditional therapy hour or 2 and 1/2 to 3 hours – when using the medicine.

  • We avoid the IV medical model. We use IM or lozenges.  

  • Therapy is an integral part of your process with us. We believe integration work is essential to long-term change and alleviation of symptoms

  • We can support your process with integrative sessions, by zoom and phone contact if you prefer

  • We collaborate with your psychiatrists and therapist\

KAP features in the NEWS

Overview of Ketamine Therapy

We believe the standard of care for Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) has evolved to 6 sessions in a brief window of 3 weeks. Ketamine clears the "ruts in the road" and then new learning can replace old patterns that have kept a person stuck. Further treatment is evaluated after the six sessions. We are unique in that we offer integrative therapy with the Ketamine and assist change. 

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy — KAP is an integrative process with the therapist that works with your conscious mind in a therapeutic process to assist healing, growth and enhanced awareness of self and others, beyond medication alone.

We provide post-integration with psychotherapist for each session in office. But we recommened an additional psychotherapy sessions each week. This can be with your therapist or ours. 

THE DIFFERENCE:  Most Ketamine clinics do not see the opportunity of integrative therapy and are not trained in KAP psychotherapy while the patient is in undergoing treatment with ketamine.

A comparison: IV infusion sessions 6 in 2 weeks—usual cost $650 plus or minus—duration an hour or so, run by an RN under MD supervision—may have ancillary modalities= $3900

Our KAP—Intake, integrative KAP sessions, 6 sessions with therapist = $1800   We recommend an additional psychotherapy session once per week at $225 per session.

After the initial in-office ketamine sessions, we can provide ketamine sublingual lozenge sessions to be done at home under close supervision or in-office during therapy. This protocol greatly reduces costs to clients and intensifies the therapy.


KAP Fees

  1. Comprehensive Medical/Psychiatric Assessment and Screening Intake and Initial Evaluation – $400.00

  2. Sublingual Lozenge and/or Ketamine IM (intramuscular) in-office Sessions – $350.00 each session, or six sessions for $1800 

  3. Psychotherapy Integrative Sessions – without ketamine medicine session (60 minutes)- 225.00—as part of the ongoing KAP process

Cancellation Policy:

48 hours, or Thursday for Monday Sessions—$100 Fee if cancelled after these limits have occurred. 

KAP Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I need to be referred by a psychiatrist?

No. We are experienced psychiatric professionals and will do an initial assessment to determine that you are an appropriate candidate for treatment. If you are currently being treated by referring professional, you may wish to discuss your treatment and progress with that physician.


2. Where is the treatment performed?

All treatments are performed in our professional office on Highland Drive, in Sugarhouse.


3. Will Ketamine Therapy help my treatment resistant depression, PTSD or Addiction?

Based on searches of major medical centers over the past fifteen years, and in our experience, up to 70% of all patients can expect significant, and fast, relief. Of course, we cannot predict individual results.  Treatments are tailored in terms of frequency and dosage to each person, and we believe it offers your best chance of success.


4. How many ketamine treatments will I receive?

That will depend on your response. Most patients receive an initial series of six IM Ketamine treatments and then we determine further treatment together. 


5. What happens after my series of ketamine?

Following the initial series of treatments, most patients choose, in consultation with our doctor, to begin a maintenance program, returning for single treatments intermittently or using lozenges at home or in therapy. The interval between maintenance infusions varies from patient to patient and often increases over time.


6. If ketamine therapy works for me how soon will I begin to feel better?

Many patients begin to feel better within hours of the first treatment. Patients with thoughts of self-harm notice those thoughts dissipating first. There can be a dramatic relief of dread and hopelessness. Some patients may not notice any mood improvement until their third or fourth infusion. Almost all patients who will respond notice improvement after a series of six treatments. 


7. Will I require ketamine treatment for the rest of my life?

No. Many patients seem to achieve long-term relief after a series of treatments.


8. What should I expect during ketamine therapy?

Ketamine is administered over a period of 40-60 minutes. The dose is determined by your weight. The amount of ketamine administered is not enough to cause a loss of consciousness, so you will remain awake. Most patients choose to enhance the experience by listening to music with headphones on and eyeshades.

During the treatment some patients experience odd perceptions—like seeing bright colors. Some report what is referred to as a “dissociative”, or “out of body” experience. These effects of ketamine are important for ketamine’s ultimate effectiveness. Most patients tolerate the experiences with no trouble, and many people find them pleasant. Once the treatment is complete, the dissociative effects of the drug rapidly dissipate. There are no delayed “flashbacks,” and patients generally leave the office within 30 minutes following the treatment and feel quite normal. However, they cannot drive themselves and must have a ride home.


9. Are there other side effects I should be concerned about?

Occasionally patients experience some nausea following an Treatment. We often give the patient Zofran to help with this.  It is important to remember not to eat or drink in the hours prior to a treatment. More rarely, a patient may experience a transient headache. Patients can expect to be tired following the infusion. Very rarely, patients already at risk for seizure have reportedly experienced one. If you have a seizure disorder, please be sure to discuss it with your doctor prior to receiving ketamine therapy.


10. What medical conditions could keep me from receiving ketamine?

There are a few and this is why we do a medical and psycholoigical screening of all patients before determing if Ketamine is the right treatment option. Your provider will discuss contraindications with you before you receive your first infusion.  Those that have had psychosis in the last year or a history of schizophrenia are not safe candidates for ketamine treatment.


11. Are ketamine treatments addictive?

No. All providers follow an evidence based protocol with dosages that are not likely to be addictive. 


12. Do I need to bring someone with me?

You do not need to have someone bring you or accompany you during the treatment, but we request that you have someone bring you home. We advise you not to drive a car until the following morning.


13. Can I eat or drink before my appointment?

You cannot eat for the 4 hours prior to your scheduled appointment. You may have clear liquids up until 2 hours before your appointment.


14. Will my current psychiatric medications interfere with ketamine treatment?

Anti-depressant medications (SSRIs, MAOIs, and tricyclics) do not interfere with ketamine, and there is no need to stop them. Ketamine treatment can provide relief during the time it takes antidepressant medications to begin working. Important: You should not decrease or stop taking any prescribed medication without first consulting your prescribing physician.


15. Will my insurance company pay for ketamine therapy?

Because ketamine therapy for mood and anxiety disorders is recent and still viewed as experimental, insurance companies do not provide reimbursement.